Suzanne Koson-Schuster
Having been a volunteer at a comfort care home for 4 years I knew there was a need for a comfort care home in Wyoming County.
I am proud to be a Perry native, born and raised. While living in Perry I owned and operated "Hair Unlimited by Sue" for 17 years so Perry is the perfect place for Suzanne's.
In the fall of 2015, I started the process of turning my dream into a reality with Suzanne's Comfort Care Home, Inc.
I started with the required paper work needed from New York State. First was the Non-Profit Incorporation, then the 501C3 charitable status. After many months I found this wonderful house for Suzanne's Comfort Care Home to be born. Suzanne's is a 2 bed home for the terminally ill where they can live out their life at no cost to them or their families. We are run by a staff of volunteers and operate through donations received from individuals, businesses, grants, bequests, service organizations, memorials, and fundraising events. We do not receive any reimbursements from insurance, medicare, or medicaid and have no paid staff.